
Victoria Harbour is the icon of the city and the most precious public asset of Hong Kong. It is our vision to enhance the Victoria Harbour and its harbourfront areas to become an attractive, vibrant, accessible and sustainable world-class asset : a harbour for the people and a harbour of vitality.
The Harbourfront Commission believes that the establishment of a dedicated Harbourfront Authority to take forward harbourfront enhancement from planning, design and construction to operation and management will be the key to achieving our vision for the harbourfront.
From October 2013 to January 2014, the Harbourfront Commission and the Development Bureau had conducted Phase I Public Engagement Exercise for the Establishment of a Harbourfront Authority, hoping to promote comprehensive waterfront development through a creative mind set and a more flexible management model. Opinions collected in Phase I showed that the public in general supported to establish a dedicated Harbourfront Authority. Taking into account of the views collected from the public, we have drawn up a detailed framework for the proposed Harbourfront Authority for further discussion in the Phase II Public Engagement Exercise.
The Phase II Public Engagement Exercise was launched on 25 September 2014 and will last for three months until 24 December 2014. We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.